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Schloss Neuenbürg

History and tradition
Castles, gardens, monasteries
Castle Neuenbürg
Castle Neuenbürg
The museum in the Castle Neuenbürg is a subsidiary of the Baden regional museum in Karlsruhe. The highlight of the exhibition is the presentation of the fairy tale “Heart of Stone” by Wilhelm Hauff. Experts created an ‘accessible movie': Light, sound, mechanical theatre and beautifully crafted wooden figures turn the fairy tale into a special experience. The exhibition on the second floor focuses on another tale. “Zum schönsten Wiesengrunde” by Wilhelm Ganzhorn tells the story of the servant Ambrosius who takes visitors to the south wing of the castle without permission. He is willing to make an exception but he warns that nobody should be surprised by the boxes, furniture other items that are piled on the floor. Their owners are abroad, but it could happen any minute that they come by to collect the boxes.

Schloss Neuenbürg

Hintere Schlosssteige
Schloss 1
+49 7082 79 28 60
Opening hours
Wednesday - Saturday: 13:00-18:00
Sunday: 10:00-18:00

Closed on

48.846969354455, 8.5918506309052

Überdimensionale Flößerstiefel hängen von der Decke herab
Public guided tour + free admission to the museum

Free admission to the museum with the fairy tale "The Cold Heart"

Märchenerzählerin und Musiker mit ihren Instrumenten
Celtic Fairytales in Concert

Celtic fairy tales and Celtic music - could there be a more atmospheric combination? Storyteller Lydia Trencker captivates with tales of cunning elves, proud kingdoms and romantic lovers. Magical ...

Zwei Frauen, eine mit Krönchen auf dem Kopf, die andere mit einem Schild, auf dem Prinzessin steht, stehen in einem goldenen Rahmen. Eine Handpuppe in Gestalt eines Frosches blickt neugierig auf die goldene Kugel in der Hand  einer der Prinzessinnen.
The Frog King

Once upon a time there was a princess. She was just like princesses should be: Graceful, pretty, peaceful, well-behaved. She lived in a castle and had a little crown that everyone envied. She combed ...

Weibliche Comicfigur
Comics are cool - Draw your favorite character

For teens aged between 12 and 15. Date: July 18, 2024, 3 - 5 p.m. Limited number of participants. As part of the special exhibition "Best Pictures - German Cartoon Prize" (June 9 - September 8, 2024)

Der Schauspieler Max Herbrechter mit der Pianistin Aida Sikira
Attention! - Prejudice (Sir Peter Ustinov)

After centuries underground, prejudice has been identified as a mole in our midst: one of the great villains in our cast list of history," writes Sir Peter Ustinov." It is responsible for the ...

Eine alte Frau und ein Junge stehen vor einer Museumsvitrine, in der ein Telefon mit Wählscheibe ausgestellt wird. Die alte Frau erklärt: Es klingelte, aber wer mich da anrief, erfuhr ich erst, wenn ich den Anruf angenommen hatte. Der Junge erwidert: Wer denkt sich denn so eine Psychokacke aus?
Best Pictures - German Cartoon Award

The madness continues: with climate change, the war in Ukraine, inflation. The flood of refugees continues, the shortage of skilled workers is increasing. And then there's the end of Hansi Flick ...
