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The Museums-PASS-Musées offers you access to more than 360 museums, castles and gardens in France, Germany and Switzerland, and more than 1000 temporary exhibitions.

George Grosz, Porträt des Schriftstellers Max Herrmann-Neiße, 1925 © Estate of George Grosz, Princeton, N.J. / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023; Foto: Kunsthalle Mannheim
Edvard Munch, Zugrauch, 1900 Öl auf Leinwand, 84,5 x 109 cm, Munchmuseet, Oslo, Foto: Munchmuseet / Halvor Bjørngård
Guerreiro do Divino Amor (*1983), Le Miracle d'Helvetia, 2022 [Detail der Leuchttafel Desideria Patria, 100 x 70 x 10 cm] Mehrteilige Multimediainstallation, Masse variabel Coll. Fonds cantonal d'art contemporain, Genève Mit Genehmigung des Künstlers
Georges LIAUTAUD, Sans titre, 1960. Courtesy of the Museum of Everything, Londres
25. Jubilee


Listen to the broadcasts about the member museums of the Museums-PASS-Musées from the French radio station France Ble


The sponsorship offer competition Take a guest to one of the MPM-Days. If he or she then buys a Museums-PASS-Musées with ...


As part of the 2024/2025 jubilee, Museums-PASS-Musées has entered into new partnerships for cultural trips for Museums ...


Here you'll find all the information you need about MPM-Day, which will take place on saturday 22.3.2025 in Karlsruhe ...

Archäologisches Museum Colombischlössle

During an evening tour, archaeologist Hans Oelze presents the current status of archaeological excavations in South ...

Ausstellungsansicht, Lenora de Barros: To See Aloud, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe 2025. Foto Felix Grünschloß

Wednesday, 12.3.2025 from 6 pm In this exhibition, you can actually pick up the ping-pong paddles, grab one of the many ...


A quarter of adults in industrialized countries experience mental health problems in their lifetime. Furthermore ...

Faust et Marguerite Delacroix

With Jean-Claude Colbus, former senior lecturer at the Sorbonne (Paris-IV), specialist in historiography in German ...

Johann Chapoutot © Alexandra Colombier.

From 1919 onwards, the trauma of the First World War provided fertile ground for the emergence of new worldviews ...


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