Twelve thousand things


The presentation will be held in German. The screening is free of charge.


12,000 objects from Europe came to the Museum der Kulturen Basel between 1900 and 1936. Many of them are everyday objects, but they all have their very own, sometimes bizarre or even tragic history. In the exhibition "Twelve thousand things", curator Florence Roth explains what and who is behind them. And because not all 12,000 things can be exhibited, she takes you into the museum depot. There she gives you an exclusive insight into otherwise closed rooms and shows you a few more special, magical and curious things.

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This mask holds something surprising and disproved the museum men's ideas © MKB, Omar Lemke
Shoehorns that came into the collection thanks to the museum caretaker © MKB, Omar Lemke
Visitors can chat with things © MKB, Omar Lemke
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