M-APP Banner


Apple AppStore  Google PlayStore


the "M-App", the Museums-PASS-Musées app, is now available!

In the M-APP you have the possibility,

  • to access the program of museums, castles and gardens from your smartphone
  • to save museums and exhibitions in a favorites list  
  • to filter by theme to save events in the smartphone calendar  
  • to be guided to the museum via the map app or Google Maps
  • to check the pass expiration date via the customer account
  • get information about nearby museums via push notification

With the M-APP, we aim to make museum programming more accessible, simplify museum visit planning, and enable spontaneous museum visits. We will gradually develop it further and add new features.

Caution: the M-APP does not replace the physical Museum PASS-Musées! We are actively working on developing this feature so that we can offer it to you during 2025.

Still have questions? You can find many answers in our FAQs:



Note: If you still have the app from the mid-August 2023 trial period on your phone, please delete it and download the new one