Archaeology of western Iran (Reservation required)

Musée Adolf Michaelis, inv. 2016.0.463. Cliché Bnu
Musée du Louvre, DAO, inv. SB 14276. Cliché © GrandPalaisRmn (Musée du Louvre) / Franck Raux
Musée du Louvre, DAO, inv. SB 2883. Cliché © Musée du Louvre / Département des antiquités orientales
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A thematic tour through 5000 years of history
Following the resounding success of the depository devoted to Phoenician, Levantine and Mediterranean art, the Bnu's reserve n°1 is now home to a depository devoted to the archaeology of Western Iran, thanks to loans from the Musée du Louvre.

Primarily a study object for archaeology students at the University of Strasbourg, it is nonetheless open to the general public for several months, enabling visitors to admire some one hundred pieces, treasures of this great civilization: Susa vases, cylinder seals, pearl necklaces, bricks from the palace of Darius, and terracotta figurines representing musicians.

Guided tours by prior arrangement.
6 place de la République
+ 33 3 88 25 28 00
Opening hours
Content available online
Events in this museum
Portrait de Walter Benjamin

Film by Christian Cabane (2023, 37 min). In partnership with Lieu documentaire and INA, as part of the Strasbourg World Book Capital event. September 25, 1940: a man walks across the Pyrenees. He ...

Membres des partisans lituaniens (Force de défense territoriale de Žalgiris) à l'été 1946.

Screening of Antoine de Meaux's documentary Frères de la forêt, combattants de la liberté (52 min., 2024), followed by a discussion with the director and the authors of the book Déportés pour l ...

Jean D'Amérique, né Jean Civilus, poète et dramaturge haïtien

A series of conferences entitled "Literature to awaken the world" will address literature as a way of being in the world, i.e., of actively participating in it. An attempt to consider writing as a ...

Überführung von Kunstschätzen von Monte Cassino / Spoleto nach Rom durch Soldaten der Division "Hermann Göring". Soldaten beim Halten eines Gemäldes von Giovanni Paolo Pannini vor dem "Palazzo Venezia"

Interview with Emmanuelle Favier, poet and novelist, member of the editorial board of Apulée magazine, and Muriel de Bastier, researcher for the Mission de recherche et de restitution des biens ...

Autochorme Marguerite réalisée par Marguerite Mespoulet et Madeleine Mignon en Irlande pour les Archives de la Planète

Karine Bigand, lecturer in Irish Studies at Aix-Marseille University, will present her work as part of the exhibition De l'Alsace au monde, voyage dans les Archives de la Planète d'Albert Kahn. In the ...