From the collection. Sculpture and prints

Malerei eines Sees mit Boot, Landschaft und Häuser im Hintergrund
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The title of the exhibition already gives it away: the Kunstmuseum's collection is the focus of attention. The selection of works draws on the immediately preceding exhibition Holz. Sculpture, Relief and Works on Paper and creates new dialogs between the artists Ulrich Görlich / Olaf Metzel, HAP Grieshaber, Daniel Richter and Rolf Wicker.
Spend­haus­stra­ße 4 und Eber­hard­stra­ße 14 (Wandel-​​​​​Hal­len)
+49 7121 303 2322
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Events in this museum

Opening of the exhibition at Kunstmuseum Reutlingen | Galerie Place: Wandel-Hallen, Eberhardstraße 14, 72764 Reutlingen

Logo des Kunstmuseum Reutlingen

Opening of the exhibition from 19:00 Place: Wandel-Hallen, Eberhardstraße 14, 72764 Reutlingen

Logo Kunstmuseum Reutlingen, schwarze Buchstaben auf weißem Hintergrund

We offer regularly changing public tours in German through our exhibitions. Always Sundays from 11:30 to 12:30. More information on our website.