Guy van Leemput, Belgium

Guy van Leemput, Schale "My Quest"
Guy van Leemput, Schale "Bigger Mind"
Guy van Leemput, Schale "Habibi"
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The porcelain bowls developed over an inflated balloon are always of a similar volume and, despite their wafer-thin transparency, still feature patterns with a surprising depth effect. Inspired by nature, mathematician and porcelain artist Guy van Leemput (*1967) is constantly developing new patterns of great regularity that are never boring in their lines. The wood firing adds to the special charm of these pieces, not least through the delicate sparkling ash veil. The international award-winning ceramist will not only be exhibiting his latest works at the STUDIO Keramikmuseum Staufen. He will also be giving a workshop in the ceramics workshop in the factory in Freiburg.
Wettelbrunnerstraße 3
Staufen im Breisgau
+49 7633 67 21
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