Kosmos Klee. The collection

Paul Klee, das Tor zur Tiefe, 1936, 25, Aquarell auf Grundierung auf Baumwolle auf Karton, 24 x 29 cm. Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern, Depositum aus Privatbesitz, Schweiz  © Zentrum Paul Klee
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Fokus: Cover Star Klee
Why do so many – hundreds, if not thousands of – books of twentieth century philosophy, psychotherapy or critical theory feature the art of Paul Klee on their covers? Cover Star Klee draws a portrait of the artist as a prophet of analogue meme culture, which invites us to judge a book by its cover.

Curator: Dieter Roelstraete

Fokus. Cover Star Klee is part of the permanent exhibition Kosmos Klee.

The permanent exhibition Kosmos Klee. The Collection offers visitors a chronological overview of Klee's artistic oeuvre and presents around seventy works as well as biographical material and archive items, which are regularly changed. Smaller focus exhibitions with a thematic reference to Paul Klee and his work are shown in one room at a time.
Monument im Fruchtland 3
+41 31 359 01 01
Opening hours