Martin's horse. A headless story

Martinstor in Ladenburg
This exhibition is available in
The horse from the medieval Martinstor in Ladenburg lost its head 90 years ago - and it has now reappeared! The Ladenburg Heritage Society made the professional restoration possible and made the horse's head available for a small exhibition. The small exhibition tells the story of the only surviving gate in the town fortifications and how it got its name.
Amtshof 1
+49 6203 70 271 (Büro) oder +49 6203 70 270 (Kasse)
Opening hours
Events in this museum
Lobdengau-Museum Ladenburg

We are offering this event together with the Ladenburg-Ilvesheim adult education center: Saturday, October 5, 2024, 2-4.30 p.m. with Dr. Andreas Hensen Meeting point: in front of the Lobdengau Museum ...

Dr. Andreas Hensen

The lecture makes references to the Civitas Ulpia Sueborum Nicrensium with its capital Lopodunum. Dr. Andreas Hensen Friday, 11. 10. 2024, 7 pm Evangelical Cornelian Church in the valley Heilbronner ...