Mini-exhibition "Martine, a 70-year-old girlfriend!"

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Do you remember her?
Martine has lulled generations of little readers to sleep since her first adventure in 1954! Over 120 million books sold in French, 50 million in foreign languages! Gilbert Delahaye's texts, superbly illustrated by Marcel Marlier, have made Martine the most popular heroine of our childhood. So it was fitting to celebrate her birthday and give her a knowing wink.
12 rue Jean Jaurès
+33 3 89 74 30 92
Opening hours
Events in this museum
Affiche salon ours et poupées

The event is eagerly awaited every year by all bear and doll enthusiasts: collectors, creators and hobbyists alike. The organizers welcome between 70 and 80 exhibitors and, in addition to the ...