"Patrick Faigenbaum at the Saint-Louis crystal glassworks

Patrick Faigenbaum, Vue des ateliers de taillerie (détail), Cristallerie Saint-Louis, 2022/2023, © Patrick Faigenbaum
Patrick Faigenbaum, Creusets destinés à recevoir les composants du cristal pour porter la matière à fusion, 2022, courtesy de l’artiste © Patrick Faigenbaum
Patrick Faigenbaum, Extrait d’archives relatives au service Tommy créé en 1928 (1), 2022, courtesy de l’artiste © Patrick Faigenbaum
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The Fondation d'entreprise Hermès provides ongoing support for the visual arts through a program of exhibitions in various venues around the world, including, since 2014, La Grande Place, musée Saint-Louis, in Saint-Louis-lès-Bitche, France. In 2022, French photographer Patrick Faigenbaum has been invited to make a series of images during several visits to the Saint-Louis crystal glassworks and its region, the Vosges du Nord.
From June 11 to December 29, 2024, the exhibition "Patrick Faigenbaum à la cristallerie Saint-Louis" (Patrick Faigenbaum at the Saint-Louis crystal glassworks) presents the fruit of this immersion at the very place where it was produced.
"Patrick Faigenbaum came to the Saint-Louis crystal glassworks following the trail of a glass service that had fascinated him since childhood: Tommy glasses (...). Since his beginnings over forty years ago, Faigenbaum has combined documentary approach and vision in his photography. He draws on a deep familiarity with the history of painting: the art, par excellence, of composition". Jean-François Chevrier, exhibition curator
La Grande Place, musée Saint-Louis
Rue Coëtlosquet – 57620 Saint-Louis-lès-Bitche
Exposition du 11 juin au 29 décembre 2024
Accès tous les jours (sauf les lundis et le 25 décembre), de 10 h à 13 h et de 14 h à 18 h
Contact : accueil.musee@saint-louis.com
+33 (0)3 87 06 64 70
Rue Coëtlosquet
+33 3 87 06 64 70
Opening hours
Events in this museum
© Benoît TEILLET

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© Jérôme RUFFIN

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© Jérôme RUFFIN

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© Benoît TEILLET

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Visite guidée du musée pendant les vacances scolaires de 15h à 16h, les mercredis et les samedis

Exceptional pieces make up the historic collections of Saint-Louis heritage, on display at the Grande Place. Take a guided tour and discover the most remarkable and unusual of them from a variety of ...