Die Ausstellung «Das perfekte Dinner. Römer, Macht und Müll» lässt Besuchende als Gast an diesem besonderen Ereignis teilhaben und nimmt sie mit auf Spurensuche. Die Ausstellung wirft einen Blick hinter die Kulissen eines römischen Banketts und lässt Besuchende staunen über die Fülle an Informationen, die der Abfall von damals überliefert.
The perfect dinner. Romans, power and garbage
Die Ausstellung «Das perfekte Dinner. Römer, Macht und Müll» lässt Besuchende als Gast an diesem besonderen Ereignis teilhaben und nimmt sie mit auf Spurensuche. Die Ausstellung wirft einen Blick hinter die Kulissen eines römischen Banketts und lässt Besuchende staunen über die Fülle an Informationen, die der Abfall von damals überliefert.
The Romans were aware of the influence of fragrant substances on health and used incense rituals to connect with the divine. Which fragrances were used and where did they come from? Herbs, resins and ...
In the authentically reconstructed Roman house, visitors experience what everyday life was like for a family in Roman times. Children must be accompanied by an adult. From 6 years. Meeting point at ...
The Romans were aware of the influence of fragrant substances on health and used incense rituals to connect with the divine. Which fragrances were used and where did they come from? Herbs, resins and ...
In the authentically reconstructed Roman house, visitors experience what everyday life was like for a family in Roman times. Children must be accompanied by an adult. From 6 years. Meeting point at ...
The Romans were aware of the influence of fragrant substances on health and used incense rituals to connect with the divine. Which fragrances were used and where did they come from? Herbs, resins and ...
In the authentically reconstructed Roman house, visitors experience what everyday life was like for a family in Roman times. Children must be accompanied by an adult. From 6 years. Meeting point at ...
In the authentically reconstructed Roman house, visitors experience what everyday life was like for a family in Roman times. Children must be accompanied by an adult. From 6 years. Meeting point at ...
In the authentically reconstructed Roman house, visitors experience what everyday life was like for a family in Roman times. Children must be accompanied by an adult. From 6 years. Meeting point at ...
The Romans were aware of the influence of fragrant substances on health and used incense rituals to connect with the divine. Which fragrances were used and where did they come from? Herbs, resins and ...
The Romans were aware of the influence of fragrant substances on health and used incense rituals to connect with the divine. Which fragrances were used and where did they come from? Herbs, resins and ...
In the authentically reconstructed Roman house, visitors experience what everyday life was like for a family in Roman times. Children must be accompanied by an adult. From 6 years. Meeting point at ...
In the authentically reconstructed Roman house, visitors experience what everyday life was like for a family in Roman times. Children must be accompanied by an adult. From 6 years. Meeting point at ...
The Romans were aware of the influence of fragrant substances on health and used incense rituals to connect with the divine. Which fragrances were used and where did they come from? Herbs, resins and ...
In the authentically reconstructed Roman house, visitors experience what everyday life was like for a family in Roman times. Children must be accompanied by an adult. From 6 years. Meeting point at ...
The Romans were aware of the influence of fragrant substances on health and used incense rituals to connect with the divine. Which fragrances were used and where did they come from? Herbs, resins and ...
The Romans were aware of the influence of fragrant substances on health and used incense rituals to connect with the divine. Which fragrances were used and where did they come from? Herbs, resins and ...