Of Romans and knights in Bad Krozingen

Römischer Brunnen
Reste der mittelalterlichen Ortsburg
This exhibition is available in
Special exhibition on the excavations on Rathausplatz from 2019 to 2022
The special exhibition in the Bad Krozingen town museum presents for the first time finds from the Roman period and the Middle Ages, which were discovered during excavations by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments at the town hall as part of the redesign of the town center.

Roman strip houses
Traces of settlements and objects from the 1st to 3rd centuries were uncovered, including three wells that belonged to the strip houses of craftsmen and traders on the main street. In addition to objects such as Roman tableware and storage vessels, a drinking cup fragment with the inscription of the legionary Annius, who presumably stopped off at a restaurant as an administrative official, is worthy of note.

The newly discovered castle
Surprisingly, the remains of the walls of a previously unknown medieval castle also came to light. The castle complex with residential tower was the seat of the Lords of Krozingen in the 12th/13th century and later of the local lords of Landeck. The exhibits include fragments of household goods, fine glassware and jewelry. Particularly impressive is a large iron key, which probably locked the castle portal.
Basler Straße 10-12
Bad Krozingen
+49 7633 40 71 69
Opening hours
Additional informations
Events in this museum
Führung Sonderausstellung "Von Römern und Rittern"

On Sunday, April 6, 2025 at 3 pm there will be a guided tour with Dr. Christel Bücker in the special exhibition "Of Romans and Knights in Bad Krozingen". The special exhibition in the town museum is ...

Plakat Archäologischer Rundgang am 09.05.25 um 15:00 Uhr

After a short guided tour of the museum, we go on a hike to the Roman relics in Bad Krozingen.

Von Römern und Rittern mit Basteln von Ritterhelm und Burgfäuleinhut

On Sunday, May 18, 2025 at 3 pm, there will be a short guided tour for young and old with Christel Bücker and Michael Hoeper in the special exhibition "Of Romans and Knights in Bad Krozingen" ...