Time travel. 50 years of Galerie Geiger

Heijo Hangen, 7071, 1971, Acryl auf Nessel, 160 x 160 cm, Foto Galerie Geiger
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With works by Heinz Mack, Daniel Spoerri, herman de vries and many others.
It's back to the roots for Galerie Geiger, which was founded in Kornwestheim in 1975 and moved to Constance in 1999. The exhibition in Kornwestheim now shows works by Heinz Mack, Daniel Spoerri, Herman de Vries and other well-known artists represented by the gallery.
Stuttgarter Straße 93
+49 7154 202 7401
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Events in this museum
Ein Arrangement aus verschiedenen Haushaltgegenständen in einer bewachsenen Umgebung

The artist Fritz Bornstück, who was born in Weilburg an der Lahn and lives in Berlin, gives nature back a piece of its former superiority in his paintings and ceramic sculptures. Between urban ...