Many people associate the term bloodletting with the Middle Ages, while others see it as a helpful therapy that is recognized by conventional medicine. The so-called draining procedure is part of complementary medicine, the subject of university research and, as a donation, the way to life-saving blood products.
Scientists at Heidelberg University have taken a closer look at the benefits of bloodletting - or, in more modern terms, the collection of large quantities of blood. The exhibition builds on their findings. It traces the history of this millennia-old medical practice, its application and effectiveness. The exhibition also looks at the biological, cultural-historical and economic dimensions of blood.
A cooperation with the University of Heidelberg
In the historical exhibition rooms of the Kurpfälzisches Museum
Scientists at Heidelberg University have taken a closer look at the benefits of bloodletting - or, in more modern terms, the collection of large quantities of blood. The exhibition builds on their findings. It traces the history of this millennia-old medical practice, its application and effectiveness. The exhibition also looks at the biological, cultural-historical and economic dimensions of blood.
A cooperation with the University of Heidelberg
In the historical exhibition rooms of the Kurpfälzisches Museum