To the vein!

Mittelalterliche Darstellung des medizinischen Aderlasses
Schröpfköpfe einer jungen Ärztin im römischen Heidelberg, 1.Hälfte 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr., Kurpfälzisches Museum Heidelberg
Ein Schröpfer bei seiner Arbeit in der Badestube, Flugblatt von 1622, Kurpfälzisches Museum Heidelberg
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New perspectives on an old practice
Many people associate the term bloodletting with the Middle Ages, while others see it as a helpful therapy that is recognized by conventional medicine. The so-called draining procedure is part of complementary medicine, the subject of university research and, as a donation, the way to life-saving blood products.

Scientists at Heidelberg University have taken a closer look at the benefits of bloodletting - or, in more modern terms, the collection of large quantities of blood. The exhibition builds on their findings. It traces the history of this millennia-old medical practice, its application and effectiveness. The exhibition also looks at the biological, cultural-historical and economic dimensions of blood.

A cooperation with the University of Heidelberg
In the historical exhibition rooms of the Kurpfälzisches Museum
Hauptstraße 97
+49 6221 58 34 020
Opening hours
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