Bernisches Historisches Museum / Einstein Museum
46.942953, 7.449349
Bernisches Historisches Museum / Einstein Museum
Currently and upcoming

A for ape, G for goose, L for lamb – in 1949, two artists created an alphabet mural comprising 24 tiles for the Wylergut schoolhouse on behalf of the City of Bern. Among this ABC of animal and nature ...

When it was discovered on the Plateau de Diesse in October 2017, the Prêles bronze hand, considered to be a world-class find, caused quite a sensation. It allows us to travel back in time to a ...

A spade is thrust sharply into the ground, tools clatter, and a wooden walkway creaks underfoot: the exhibition “Archaeology Now: New finds excavated in Canton of Bern” takes visitors on a journey ...

Placed in out-of-home care, put to work, placed in guardianship, housed in institutions: by around the 1970s, several hundred thousand children, adolescents and adults in Switzerland had been ...