The German Phono-Museum St. Georgen invites visitors to come to its new premises. Large rooms host 250 exhibits which demonstrate the development of mechanical sound production from 1877 to 1982. Highlights are Edison's phonograph and modern record players by the former renowned brand “Dual”. A unique collection of wristwatches complements the exhibition and grants insight into the development of the watch industry in St. Georgen. The selection covers fine examples such as the first manual watch, spring mechanisms for gramophones and quartz watches. Highlights are the permanent loans from the Dietz family, such as large horn gramophones and other rare pieces. The exhibition is further complemented by various magnetic audio recording machines.
Deutsches Phonomuseum
St. Georgen im Schwarzwald
Technique and industry
Die hier ausgestellten historischen Phono-Geräte sind Eigentum der Stadt. Die informative Sammlung gibt Einblick in die traditionsreiche St. Georgener Phonoindustrie.
48.126326425627, 8.3328348398209
Deutsches Phonomuseum
Bärenpatz 1
St. Georgen im Schwarzwald
Opening hours
Wednesday - Sunday:
Tuesday - Sunday:
Closed on