Fondation Herzog - ein Laboratorium für Photographie

Fondation Herzog - ein Laboratorium für Photographie
The photo collection Herzog is one of the most important collections worldwide. It comprises around 30.000 photos and has its beginning in the 1970s.

The single shots or album-organised pictures represent every stage of the technique that has been in use since its invention in 1839/1840. The pictures showcase details of the lives of people around the world in industrial nations from 1839 to around 1970. The collection is proud of photos by influential photographers and private pictures, which are particularly valued by the family Herzog.

47.558649, 7.580213


Fondation Herzog - ein Laboratorium für Photographie

Leimenstrasse 20
Opening hours
On 22 November 2024
Wednesday - Friday: 14:00-18:00
Saturday: 14:00-16:00

Opening hours during an exhibition:
Tuesday to Friday: 2 - 6pm, Saturday: 2 - 4pm or by appointment
Contact and additional information
+41 61 333 11 85

Currently and upcoming