Grande Saline
46.937077, 5.87681
Grande Saline
Currently and upcoming

White gold, Lion salt... salt is inseparable from the history of Franche-Comté. And it's revealed at the Nocturnes de l'Histoire! For this national event, coordinated by the four societies of ...

Discover the secrets of salt with this playful scientific workshop. Through 4 fascinating experiments, your little explorers will learn how salt dissolves, crystallizes, separates from pepper and ...

Take your family on an adventure and explore the wells in search of salt water! A fun-filled guided tour to learn all about Comtois salt, followed by salt water evaporation, a game on the uses of salt ...

Discover the art of modeling, inspired by objects in the City of Salins collections, and follow in the footsteps of two famous Salins ceramists, Max and Julie Claudet. Let your artistic soul shine ...