MiMa - Museum für Mineralien und Mathematik

MiMa - Museum for Minerals and Mathematics
MiMa - Museum for Minerals and Mathematics
MiMa - Museum for Minerals and Mathematics
Nature and environment
In MiMa you will experience the exciting connection between mineralogy and mathematics, which find their most beautiful intersection in crystallography. The museum displays a unique collection of minerals from the entire Black Forest. One focus is on the minerals of the "Clara" mine in Oberwolfach, which is still active today. Enjoy the beauty of the crystals and learn more about the origin, mining and use of the minerals. The exhibition also provides information about the history of regional mining. Interactive stations provide artistic insights into mathematics and invite you to explore the topics of symmetry and crystallography in a playful way. They can design crystals themselves, experiment with forms and symmetries and even fly virtually through atomic structures. At other stations you will experience how you can design shapes with formulas and how natural phenomena can be simulated mathematically. You can walk through virtual mathematical objects and solve tricky logic puzzles. A selection of particularly beautiful mathematical images can be seen in the gallery.

48.31542, 8.21926


MiMa - Museum für Mineralien und Mathematik

Schulstraße 5
Opening hours

Closed on
Contact and additional information
+49 7834 94 20

Currently and upcoming