Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy

Public domain - Ji-Elle
Notre galerie de zoologie
Nos galeries d'aquariums
Nature and environment
In the heart of Nancy, a stone's throw from Place Stanislas, the Muséum Aquarium welcomes you to discover animal biodiversity.

Visit our two galleries featuring some sixty aquariums for an underwater journey. From the French coast to local rivers and coral reefs, aquatic species will no longer hold any secrets for you!

Continue your immersion in the world of animals with a visit to our zoology gallery, featuring over 600 natural history specimens from all over the world. A formative expedition into the lives of these species that's sure to fill you with wonder.

48.694958, 6.188199


Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy

34 rue Sainte-Catherine
Opening hours
Open all year from
Tuesday - Sunday: 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00 ,

Closed on
Contact and additional information
+33 3 83 32 99 97

Currently and upcoming