After Work

Himmel und Erde - Frühmittelalterliche Schätze für die Ewigkeit
This event is available in
Secret messages for the hereafter
"Heaven and earth - early medieval treasures for eternity"
The evening tour through the new treasure chamber focuses on mysterious messages in Latin and runic script. Hidden on filigree pieces of jewelry and grave goods, the secret writings reveal declarations of love, claims of ownership or the hopes of people in the early Middle Ages.
or the hopes of people in the early Middle Ages.
Participation costs the regular entrance fee. The number of participants is limited.
Rotteckring 5
Freiburg im Breisgau
+49 761 20 12 571
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
On 26 March 2025
Wednesday: 17:30-18:15
Additional informations
Exhibitions in this museum
Stierkopf aus Bronze, Altenburg, 150–40 v. Chr.

Through the comic heroes Asterix and Obelix, the Celts are known as comical ruffians. But what were people really up to in the Iron Age? How did they live here in Breisgau? An interactive discovery ...