The media revolution and the world of print

Atelier d'imprimerie vers 1450 [gravure sur bois]
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in the Upper Rhine region from the 1450s to the 1560s
Lecture by Gérald Chaix, Rector of the Académie, academic and historian, as part of the event "Strasbourg and the Oberrhein at the time of Gutenberg: 1450-1550". Organized by Storia Mundi.

Densely populated and urbanized, economically and culturally developed, the Upper Rhine was the most dynamic region of the Holy Roman Empire from the mid-15th century to the 1520s. It was here that the "print revolution", linked to the name of Gutenberg, began and developed rapidly, notably in Strasbourg (1458) and Basel (1468). Until the end of the 16th century, the region remained one of the key centres for the material evolution of books and, more broadly, of print. Then, in connection with the "media revolution", associated here with Sébastien Brant, we'll highlight the specific features of humanism and religious aspirations up to the 1520s. Finally, we'll look back at the profound upheavals, observable from the 1520s onwards, that repositioned the Upper Rhine region within the Holy Roman Empire and on a European scale.

Auditorium | Free admission | Reservations required from 7/09/2024
6 place de la République
+ 33 3 88 25 28 00
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
On 03 October 2024
Tuesday: 14:30-
Exhibitions in this museum
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