Resistance and repression: Lithuania under Soviet occupation

Membres des partisans lituaniens (Force de défense territoriale de Žalgiris) à l'été 1946.
This event is available in
Documentary film
Screening of Antoine de Meaux's documentary Frères de la forêt, combattants de la liberté (52 min., 2024), followed by a discussion with the director and the authors of the book Déportés pour l'éternité. Surviving Soviet exile, Alain Blum and Emilia Koustova (Unistra). Discussion moderated by Florent Georgesco, journalist with Le Monde des livres.

A drama played out behind closed doors in the Baltic forests: the resistance of a handful of Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian partisans to Soviet occupation. For ten years, from 1944 to 1953, their struggle defied the Kremlin, claiming tens of thousands of victims among combatants and civilians alike, who were simultaneously hit by mass deportations and violent Sovietization policies. We will explore this little-known history in France through a never-before-seen documentary devoted to the Baltic partisans and a recent book that recounts the destinies of the Lithuanian and Ukrainian "deportees for eternity", combining the voices of witnesses, images and archive documents.

Screening - debate | Auditorium | Free of charge | Reservations from 7/09/2024
6 place de la République
+ 33 3 88 25 28 00
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
On 18 October 2024
Tuesday: 18:30-
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