Walter Benjamin: the exile of existence

Portrait de Walter Benjamin
This event is available in
Documentary film
Film by Christian Cabane (2023, 37 min). In partnership with Lieu documentaire and INA, as part of the Strasbourg World Book Capital event.

September 25, 1940: a man walks across the Pyrenees. He wants to leave old Europe, his country, his roots, his loved ones, because this land has become cursed for him and many of his compatriots. He was German, a philosopher, a Marxist and a Jew, and this was too much for the new regime that now ruled the old continent with the complicity of German-occupied France. He wanted to reach the United States, where his exiled compatriots had already left. To do so, he had to reach Lisbon via Spain. The Gestapo were behind him, the Francoists in front... After a Dantean crossing of the mountains, he reached Port-Bou (Spain), only to learn that, as he did not have authorization to leave French territory, he would be handed over to the French authorities - and therefore to the Gestapo - the next day. Rejecting this scenario, he committed suicide in a Port-Bou hotel. This film pays tribute to him, while shedding light on a number of aspects of his considerable and unclassifiable body of work.

Auditorium | Free admission | Reservations required from 7/09/2024
6 place de la République
+ 33 3 88 25 28 00
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
On 18 October 2024
Friday: 18:30-
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