Word painting - slam poet leads through special exhibition

Wortmalerei – Slam Poet führt durch Sonderausstellung
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Word art meets painting
Old meets young! ...uh, Hufnagel. Ansgar Hufnagel. The Freiburg slam poet, comedian and cabaret artist meets Otmar Alt's art at the Elztalmuseum Waldkirch on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 and Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 6 pm.
Together with the curators of the special exhibition "Schwarzwaldliebe - Impressionen von Otmar Alt" (duration 05.07.2024 to 09.03.2025), Hufnagel will take visitors on a special journey through the artist's colorful world. This guided tour is particularly aimed at young visitors.

"Art is cool"
Word painting connects the two artists, who at first glance appear to be very different and are separated by around four decades. Alt not only combines shapes and colors, but, like Hufnagel, creates eloquent word art with his picture titles that bring the works to life. However, love of animals, the power of thought, self-doubt, strokes of fate as well as deep friendship and reconciliation with oneself accompany both of them in their lives and their art. Rhythm and movement speak from Otmar Alt's pictures and Hufnagel's texts, which each create their very own visual and acoustic realities. A unique experience for young and old!

Young people who turn 18 in 2023 can take part in the guided tour with the Culture Pass (including a bottle of soda). Costs 6 euros. (Book your ticket now: https://storefront.prod.kulturpass.de/.../mp.../details)

Participation in the guided tour costs 6 euros per person including a glass of sparkling wine or a bottle of lemonade.
Duration approx. 1 hour. Registration is not required.

Who is Ansgar Hufnagel? Undoubtedly a stage person!
Whether as a presenter, the most harmless rapper in the world, with a cabaret program, as a stand-up comedian or as a workshop leader, Ansgar Hufnagel loves art, the stage and everything around it!
He took to the stage for the first time in his life in Schwäbisch Hall in 1987, when he was born, and his name makes it immediately clear which path lies ahead of him. Ansgar means "the spear of God". Every time Ansgar Hufnagel remembers this, his heart sinks and he feels a little smaller than he already is (1.72 cm). At the same time, like his eponymous spear, he has always made his way through a wide variety of creative event contexts and when he feels the stage boards under his feet, he knows that he is in the right place at the right time. At home. Let the show begin.
Ansgar Hufnagel has dedicated himself to art and wants to inspire, make people think, put a smile on their faces and occasionally just let his hair down. Yes, he is a ramp sow with a spear in his hand luggage and he stands by it!

Regular guided tours through the special exhibition
Angela Witt-Meral (director of the Elztalmuseum) and Andrea Knittel (curator) take turns giving insights into the creative and colorful world of the artist Otmar Alt and his connection to the Black Forest, especially Waldkirch, during the regular guided tours.

Further dates are:
Wednesday, 02.10.2024 at 6 pm
Wednesday, 04.12.2024 at 6 pm
SPECIAL: Wednesday, 01.01.2025 at 11 a.m. with coffee and New Year's pretzels
SPECIAL: Wednesday, 05.02.2025 at 6 pm with the word artist Ansgar Hufnagel from Freiburg
Wednesday, 05.03.2025 at 6 pm

Otmar Alt is an internationally active painter, graphic artist, designer and sculptor. One focus of the exhibition is Otmar Alt's 2017 series "Schwarzwaldliebe" (Black Forest Love). Here he explores places and traditions in the Black Forest.
In total, the Elztaluseum is showing around 100 works from six decades of artistic activity on several floors.
Otmar Alt is also the designer of the "Altobella Furiosa" concert organ (a joint effort by the four Waldkirch organ building workshops). Hits and classics by the Beatles, ABBA and many more resound through the colorful pipes.
Kirchplatz 14
+49 7681 47 85 30
Paid entry
Rate for holders of the Museums-PASS-Musées only.
On 04 September 2024
Wednesday: 18:00-19:30
On 05 February 2025
Wednesday: 18:00-19:30
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