Six years later, her second autobiographical story "Who is the mother here? A Comic Drama", sheds light on her complex and confusing relationship with her mother. Both books touch us with their references to classic literature, the interweaving of psychological insights and a clever analysis characterized by honesty, insight and humour. Alison Bechdel is also the author of the queer newspaper comic strip "Dykes to Watch Out For", published from 1983 onwards, which also appears in several anthologies.
Alison Bechdel
Six years later, her second autobiographical story "Who is the mother here? A Comic Drama", sheds light on her complex and confusing relationship with her mother. Both books touch us with their references to classic literature, the interweaving of psychological insights and a clever analysis characterized by honesty, insight and humour. Alison Bechdel is also the author of the queer newspaper comic strip "Dykes to Watch Out For", published from 1983 onwards, which also appears in several anthologies.

With scratchboard, everything is the other way round: You sit in front of a black surface, and scratch out white lines and areas. Your hatchings are not shadows, but light. If you wish to take part ...

This guided tour provides fascinating insight into Thomas Ott’s forty years of creative output. It demonstrates the development of his oeuvre in terms of form and content, along with the scratchboard ...

Talk and live drawing with Thomas Ott, scratchboard master. With precise movements of his craft knife, this artist scratches his mostly bleak stories out of the darkness of black card. In these grim ...

Location: Fumetto Comic Festival Luzern (Maskenliebhabersaal, Süsswinkel 7, 6004 Luzern) Thomas Ott is the figurehead of Swiss comics and has a lot to say about the 40 years of Swiss underground ...

Location: Monday: Cartoonmuseum Basel Tuesday-Friday: Druckstelle Basel (Aktienmühle, Raum 122, Gärtnerstrasse 46, 4057 Basel) Black is not a colour, but it has many nuances. Based on scratchboard ...

Advanced scratchboard! Master illustrator Thomas Ott offers a scratchboard workshop for ambitious artists who already have some experience. The scratching know-how conveyed in these three highly ...

This guided tour provides fascinating insight into Thomas Ott’s forty years of creative output. It demonstrates the development of his oeuvre in terms of form and content, along with the scratchboard ...

Advanced scratchboard! Master illustrator Thomas Ott offers a scratchboard workshop for ambitious artists who already have some experience. The scratching know-how conveyed in these three highly ...

This guided tour provides fascinating insight into Thomas Ott’s forty years of creative output. It demonstrates the development of his oeuvre in terms of form and content, along with the scratchboard ...

With scratchboard, everything is the other way round: You sit in front of a black surface, and scratch out white lines and areas. Your hatchings are not shadows, but light. If you wish to take part ...

Advanced scratchboard! Master illustrator Thomas Ott offers a scratchboard workshop for ambitious artists who already have some experience. The scratching know-how conveyed in these three highly ...

This guided tour provides fascinating insight into Thomas Ott’s forty years of creative output. It demonstrates the development of his oeuvre in terms of form and content, along with the scratchboard ...

The two comic greats Thomas Ott and Simone F. Baumann draw together with consummate skill, against a backdrop of live sounds served up by the artist, musician and actor Johnny Mancini, who blends new ...

This guided tour provides fascinating insight into Thomas Ott’s forty years of creative output. It demonstrates the development of his oeuvre in terms of form and content, along with the scratchboard ...

Venue: Kaserne Basel Cartoonmuseum Basel is present at the art book fair ‘I Never Read’ with a selection of art books. Signing with Thomas Ott: Wednesday, 18.6., 6pm (vernissage) and Saturday, 21.6 ...