Alison Bechdel

Selbstportrait aus der Vogelperspektive
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The comic author Alison Bechdel (*10.9.1960, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, USA) became known to a wide audience through her graphic novel and "New York Times" bestseller "Fun Home. A Family of Drawn", published in German in 2008. Named Book of the Year by Time Magazine in 2006 and later successful and honored worldwide, this masterpiece focuses on Bechdel's family history and relationship with her father, which was shaped by his repressed bisexuality.

Six years later, her second autobiographical story "Who is the mother here? A Comic Drama", sheds light on her complex and confusing relationship with her mother. Both books touch us with their references to classic literature, the interweaving of psychological insights and a clever analysis characterized by honesty, insight and humour. Alison Bechdel is also the author of the queer newspaper comic strip "Dykes to Watch Out For", published from 1983 onwards, which also appears in several anthologies.
St. Alban-Vorstadt 28
+41 61 226 33 60
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Events in this museum
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