Andreas Spiegelhalder

This exhibition is available in
Retrospective for the 75th birthday
Andreas Spiegelhalder, born 1950
Beautiful childhood in Bernau
1961 - 1970 Keplergymnasium Freiburg, A-levels
1965 - 1980 Familiarization with a large part of German classical music, familiarization with a lot of painting, occupation with philosophy.
1978 - 1983 Studied art and mathematics at the Freiburg University of Education, art teacher: Prof. Stächelin, Manfred Wild
1988 - 2006 Teaching in Stuttgart, Friesenheim and Freiburg
Since 2012 occupation with philosophy and painting
Rathausstraße 18
Bernau im Schwarzwald
+49 7675 16 00 40
Opening hours
Events in this museum

Mozart, Debussy, Brahms and others.


How Hans Thoma was buried 100 years ago, lecture by Dr. Hans-Georg Ulrichs, Protestant priest in Bad Säckingen, private lecturer at the University of Basel


Undine Remmes, research assistant at the Badische Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe, as a guest with letters by Hans Thoma 2 p.m. in the meeting room of Bernau town hall (


Stubenmusik evening at the Resenhof local history museum in Bernau-Oberlehen Waiting for the Christ Child - stories and poems about winter and music with Ursula Wäschle-Weiger, Berthold Weiger ...


Reading with Berthold Weiger from "In the Winter of Life" by Hans Thoma


Stubete "...die machn Purzigalan" with Ursel and Berthold Weiger and Margret and Johannes Köpfer


Guided tour through the exhibitions of the Kunstmuseum


Resumée with Alexander Schönemann (Mayor of Bernau), Dr. Jürgen Glocker (cultural mediator), Margret Köpfer (Director of the Museums in Bernau) and Nicole Johänntgen (saxophonist) Intermezzo followed ...