Audrey Devaud, Parhélie

Nicolas Waltefaugle
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For the past three years, the Frac and the Lycée Edgar Faure de Morteau have partnered to organize an "Excellence, Métiers d'Art" residency program.
This year, Audrey Devaud, a visual artist from Bisont, was welcomed to the school and worked on her project with 1st and 2nd year DN MADe Joaillerie students.
Audrey Devaud works in sculpture and installation, often in ceramics, but she also explores wood, plaster, glass and other materials. Know-how and the reappropriation of the artisanal gesture are paramount in her practice. Her works revolve around the notion of fetish or personal objects, which she also likes to describe as "pocket objects".
During this residency, the artist collaborated with students on the folklore surrounding winter celebrations such as Saturnalia in Roman antiquity and the more recent tradition of the galette des rois. These two festivities are said to be linked and derived from the observation of the stars.
* Un parhélie est un phénomène optique atmosphérique où le soleil semble démultiplié. Par un jeu de réflexions de la lumière, on peut parfois observer plusieurs répliques du soleil alignées horizontalement dans le ciel.

2 passage des Arts
(Cité des Arts)
+33 3 81 87 87 40
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Nicolas Waltefaugle

Join us on September 21 and 22 for the European Heritage Days! Discover the program! On the program: original tours of the reserves, outdoor works and architecture, a meeting with artist @audrey ...