Blooming hay meadows

Wiese bei Künzelau, ©Dominic Hahn
This exhibition is available in
A traveling exhibition of the BUND, Landesverband Baden Württemberg at the Stadtmuseum Schopfheim
There is a lot to discover and marvel at in meadows. No wonder, because colorful hay meadows with a multitude of different plant species are real paradises for butterflies, wild bees, skylarks, grass frogs, etc. However, due to intensive agriculture, development and road traffic, meadows are rarely as colorful as they used to be.
The Schopfheim Town Museum is showing a traveling exhibition by the BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany), reminding us of a typical cultural landscape of the Wiesental: the species-rich meadows (hay meadows), irrigated by water channels, once shaped the landscape and agriculture.
From July to September, this exhibition can be viewed in the cool vaulted cellar of the museum, which also functions as a heat shelter on particularly hot days.
Wallstraße 10
+49 7622 39 61 90
Opening hours