Emil Bizer - Classical Modernism in the Markgräflerland

Gemälde von Emil Bizer - Neuzugang in die Sammlung des Dreiländermuseums
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The artist Emil Bizer (1881-1957) is one of the most important artists of the region in the border triangle. From 1912, he lived intermittently in Badenweiler and was at times chairman of the artists' association “Badische Secession”. His oil paintings also reveal his graphic work of the 1920s, for which he became nationally known, but was soon ostracised by the National Socialists. In the post-war period, he taught at the Freiburg Art Academy together with his artist friend, the honorary citizen of Lörrach Adolf Strübe. Loans from private collections and new acquisitions for the museum collection are on display in the Hebelsaal of the Three Countries Museum.
Basler Straße 143
+49 7621 415 150
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