With the exhibition "Zukunft Moore!" by the Umweltakademie Stuttgart, the KLIMA ARENA shows the different facets of moors and promotes their protection. What creatures live in moors? How can the peatland ecosystem be restored and how can the climate crisis be overcome through peatland protection? Vivid answers to these questions can be found in the new special exhibition "Future Moors!", which can be seen in the KLIMA ARENA from December 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025.
Future Moor
This exhibition is available in
Dietmar-Hopp-Str. 6
+49 7261 144 1110
Opening hours
Events in this museum
If we want to say goodbye to oil and gas for heating, then we need an alternative. But how will we heat in the future? For energy consultant and author Carsten Herbert, the only heating technology ...