Heaven and Earth - Early Medieval Treasures for Eternity

Gürtelbeschlag mit Kreuzdarstellung, aus Munzingen, Foto: Axel Killian
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Heaven, hell or paradise? The question of whether there is life after death and what it looks like has preoccupied people since time immemorial. The ideas that existed in the religious world of the early Middle Ages and how the deceased were treated at that time are shown in staged burial rituals and precious grave goods in the new treasure chamber of the Colombischlössle.
Rotteckring 5
Freiburg im Breisgau
+49 761 20 12 571
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Events in this museum
Ausstellung "KeltenKids - Eine Reise in die Eisenzeit"

The Celts became world-famous thanks to the comic heroes Asterix and Obelix. But how did people really live in the Iron Age? In the exhibition "KeltenKids - A journey into the Iron Age", families with ...

Ausstellung "KeltenKids - Eine Reise in die Eisenzeit"

The Celts became world-famous thanks to the comic heroes Asterix and Obelix. But how did people really live in the Iron Age? In the exhibition "KeltenKids - A journey into the Iron Age", families with ...