Hope in Darkness - Hope in the darkness

Ruinen, ein Mädchen in blauem Kleid und vor ihr sitzt eine weiße Taube
This exhibition is available in
Cabinet exhibition in the foyer of the Stadtmuseum, Thu, 23.01. - Sun, 09.03.
The traveling exhibition Hope in Darkness presents works by young Afghan women and aims to draw attention to the dramatic human and women's rights situation in Afghanistan. The pictures process their own traumas in a very impressive way and express fears, but also hopes and dreams. For the girls and women, who are deprived of their self-determination and whose participation in public life is largely suppressed, the pictures are the only way they can communicate with us and draw attention to their demands for the basic human rights to which they are entitled.
The traveling exhibition is a project of FIDA e.V. and is sponsored by terre des hommes Deutschland e.V.
Herrenstraße 11
+49 7222 972 84 00
Opening hours
Events in this museum
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