An inescapable past. Archaeological discoveries on the A355

Bracelet. Alliage cuivreux. Premier âge du fer. Kolbsheim. Fouille Antea. Photo : M. Bertola / Musées de Strasbourg
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Between 2017 and 2019, 34 archaeological digs were carried out prior to the construction of the A355 freeway. The discoveries made during these operations are remarkable, renewing our knowledge of human settlement in Alsace from the Palaeolithic to the present day. This 24 km route to the west of Strasbourg provides a better understanding of the history of this territory on a variety of scales, from the evolution of landscapes during phases of glaciation and warming to the intimacy of funerary burials. Along the way, visitors are invited to discover
the new methods and technologies employed, and to take part in the archaeologists' questioning.
A publication accompanying the exhibition presents all the discoveries and results of these excavations.
Curators: Bertrand Béhague, Regional Archaeology Service of the DRAC Grand Est and Mathilde Villette then Quentin Richard, Archaeological Museum
de Strasbourg.
2 place du Château
+33 3 68 98 50 00
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