instructions for use

Alice Aycock, Clay #2 [Argile#2], 1971. Œuvre en 3 dimensions, Installation à réactiver. Argile, eau et bois. 15,2 x 488 x 488 cm. Collection 49 Nord 6 Est – Frac Lorraine. Vue de l'exposition : Ends of the Earth: Land Art to 1974 . Haus der Kunst, Munich, Allemagne 22 octobre 2012 – 20 janvier 2013. Photo : Maximilian Geuter  © Alice Aycock
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Can a work of art be made from a set of instructions? This exhibition looks at "protocol works". These works, based on written, oral or drawn instructions, have been part of contemporary art from the 1960s to the present day. For the first time in France, the exhibition offers an insight into this chapter of contemporary art. Like recipes or musical scores, protocol works are conceived by an artist but produced by a third party, be it the museum staff or a group of students. In this way, protocol works overturn the traditional concept of the work of art, calling into question notions of authorship, originality and durability.

Curated by Philippe Bettinelli, curator in the New Media Department of the Musée national d'art moderne - Centre Pompidou, and Anna Millers, curator in charge of contemporary art at MAMCS.
In partnership with 49 Nord 6 Est - Frac Lorraine, Festival Musica and CEAAC.
As part of Strasbourg World Book Capital UNESCO
1 place Hans Jean Arp
+33 3 68 98 50 00
Opening hours