Purrmann's world in the light of photography

Henri Matisse, Hans Purrmann und Albert Weisberger im Münchner Löwenbräu, 1910, © Hans Purrmann Archiv, München
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Matisse, Liebermann, Rilke & Co.
The magic of photography lies in its unique ability to capture fleeting moments for eternity. The exhibition "Purrmann's World in the Light of Photography: Matisse, Liebermann, Rilke & Co." is dedicated to the personalities from the illustrious artistic, social and family network of Hans Purrmann and Mathilde Vollmoeller-Purrmann. Many of these pioneers of the artist couple, such as Henri Matisse, Max Liebermann, Rainer Maria Rilke, Leo von König, Lovis Corinth, Karl Vollmoeller, Hermann Hesse, Josephine Baker, Erich Kästner and Tilla Durieux, were popular subjects for leading photojournalists of their time. The 100 or so photographs in the exhibition bring their stories to life and tell of the personal connections to Hans and Mathilde Purrmann. A kaleidoscope of the avant-garde opens up between Munich, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Florence and Montagnola. The exhibition is being realized in collaboration with the Ullstein photographic collection at ullstein bild in Berlin and the Hans Purrmann Archive in Munich.
Kleine Greifengasse 14
+49 6232 14-2020
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Events in this museum
Mathilde Vollmoeller, Paris um 1908, © Hans Purrmann Archiv München

Experience the magic of photography! The guided tour takes you on a journey through the current special exhibition at the Museum Purrmann-Haus in Speyer. Discover the illustrious social, artistic and ...

Mathilde Vollmoeller, Paris um 1908, © Hans Purrmann Archiv München

Experience the magic of photography! The guided tour takes you on a journey through the current special exhibition at the Museum Purrmann-Haus in Speyer. Discover the illustrious social, artistic and ...