Summer of the arts

Wand mit aufgehängten Buchstaben die die Wörter "Has Fallen" bilden. Auf dem Boden liegen die Buchstaben für das Wort "Democracy"
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Bild von einem pinken Haus mit Flachdach und einem blauen wolkenlosen Himmel.
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Villa Massimo as a guest in Stuttgart - 18 artists, 8 locations.
The interdisciplinary cooperation project "Summer of the Arts" is showing works by the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 Villa Massimo Rome Prize winners in eight institutions in Stuttgart. The Staatsgalerie Stuttgart will be showing works by Yael Bartana, Manaf Halbouni and Bjørn Melhus, which were created during their time in Rome in conjunction with works from the Staatsgalerie.

The "Rome Prize of the German Academy Rome Villa Massimo" is considered one of the most important awards for German artists and artists working in Germany abroad. The German Academy Rome Villa Massimo was founded in 1910 by Eduard Arnhold and donated to the Prussian King. Today it is supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. The Rome Prize is awarded jointly with the Kulturstiftung der Länder.

"Summer of the Arts. Villa Massimo as a guest in Stuttgart" can be seen in the Staatsgalerie parallel to the new collection presentation "THIS IS TOMORROW", which shows contemporary artistic positions in dialog with works of art from the 20th century collection.
Ein gemeinsames Projekt von: Literaturhaus Stuttgart, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Bund Deutscher Architekt:innen Stuttgart, Weissenhofmuseum im Haus Le Corbusier, architekturgalerie am weißenhof, Städtebauliches Institut der Universität Stuttgart, Musik der Jahrhunderte e. V. und Staatsgalerie Stuttgart.
Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 30-32
+49 711 470 400
Opening hours
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