Landesmuseum Württemberg
48.77728, 9.17978
Landesmuseum Württemberg
Currently and upcoming

Waving flags and globally shared hashtags, petitions and demonstrations with thousands of people - protest has many faces and is more topical than ever. Despite their diversity, all protest movements ...

Disputes are part of life! In the school playground, at nursery or in the family - wherever people come together, conflicts can arise. And sometimes the sparks fly and there's a real ZOFF! That's ...

Atemberaubende Steinzeitkunst, kostbare Grabbeigaben, mächtige Könige und vieles mehr erwarten den Besucher im 2. Obergeschoss auf einem Rundgang durch sieben Epochen und über 80.000 Jahre ...

The Württemberg State Museum presents on 1,000 sqm a new exhibition space with three top-class collections and focuses on the historical roots of Europe. ANTIQUITY Greek vases, delicate jewellery ...

The origins of the collection date back to the early 19th century, when the reigning Prince Karl Anton von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen began to amass a collection of archaeological antiquities, mainly ...