Naturhistorisches Museum Bern

Naturhistorisches Museum Bern
Naturhistorisches Museum Bern
Naturhistorisches Museum Bern
Natural History Museum Bern
Popular in Bern - observed in the whole world. The Natural History Museum Bern was officially founded in 1832. In 1936 it moved into a new building in Bernastrasse deemed an excellent example of the “Neue Sachlichkeit“ style.
The building was extended in 1998. The museum has 5100 square metres of exhibition space and an international reputation founded initially on its historical dioramas. Aside from Barry, the NMBE is famous for housing the giant Planggenstock crystals and for outstanding contemporary exhibitions such as the prize-winning “Queer - Diversity is in our nature“. The museum's collection contains around 6.5 million objects. The Naturhistorisches Museum Bern is also a place of research conducted by the scientists responsible for the collections, and functions as a venue for cultural events - for example the “Dead animal bar“.

46.942141, 7.448943


Naturhistorisches Museum Bern

Bernastrasse 15
Opening hours
Open all year from
Monday: 14:00-17:00
Tuesday: 9:00-17:00
Wednesday: 9:00-18:00
Thursday - Friday: 9:00-17:00
Saturday - Sunday: 10:00-17:00

Closed on
New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter, Whit Sunday, 1stAugust, Zibelemärit, 24 December, Christmas Day and 31 December
Contact and additional information
+41 31 350 71 11

Currently and upcoming

Riesenkristalle - Der Schatz vom Planggenstock

Rock crystals of rare beauty

Ein Nashornkäfer aus der Museumssammlung.

All scientific studies point in only one direction: the number of insects is declining at a rapid pace - even in Switzerland. In just 30 years, for example, almost three quarters of the biomass of ...

Versteinerung aus der Museumssammlung

Actually, the Natural History Museum Bern would have opened an exhibition on "ExoMars" this autumn - an international space project in which scientists from the museum are also involved. "ExoMars" ...

Besuchende befreien Vivienne aus ihrem Fieberwahn. NMBE/Schäublin

Pull out your smartphone, download the app for free, pick up the game instructions at the cash desk and go! In a mobile game, visitors save the big game hunter Vivienne von Wattenwyl from her fever ...

Barry – The legendary St Bernard Dog

Barry, the most famous rescue dog in the world, died 200 years ago but remains a legend to this day. Barry can be admired at the Natural History Museum Bern, where a new exhibition explores the heroic ...

Sammlungsobjekte in der Wunderkammer

The museum is opening parts of its scientific collections to the public. A walk through our «Cabinet of Curiosities» – the display collection provides insight into our current collection activities ...