Stadtmuseum Karlsruhe

Stadtmuseum Karlsruhe
History and tradition
The Stadtmuseum Karlsruhe, which is situated in the Prinz-Max-Palais, is dedicated to the history of Karlsruhe. It regularly presents temporary exhibitions, the permanent exhibition is however closed.

49.011263, 8.394956


Stadtmuseum Karlsruhe

Karlstraße 10
Opening hours
Open all year from
Tuesday: 10:00-18:00
Thursday: 10:00-19:00
Friday: 10:00-18:00
Saturday: 14:00-18:00
Sunday: 11:00-18:00

Contact and additional information
+49 721 133 4234

Currently and upcoming

Plakat mit schwarz-weiß Fotografien von Filmstars vor rotem Vorhang.  Über ihnen steht der goldene Bambi-Filmpreis in Form eines Rehkitz.

Did you know? The first Bambis were awarded in Karlsruhe! On March 6, 1955, 70 years ago, the Bambi Film Award was presented for the first time in the fan-shaped city as part of a public ceremony ...

Plakat mit schwarz-weiß Fotografie von Menschen, die über einen Zebrastreifen gehen.

Hardly any other photographer documented life in Karlsruhe as extensively and in such a multifaceted way as Horst Schlesiger (1925-1993). For four decades, from 1950 to 1990, he worked as a freelance ...