For drawing and comics fans

Cartoonmuseum Basel

The Cartoon Museum Basel is the only museum in Switzerland devoted exclusively to satirical art – ranging from the caricature to the comic. Thanks to its important collection of almost 3,400 original...

Château de Malbrouck

Malbrouck Castle in Manderen is a “Moselle Passion” highlight of the Conseil Général of Moselle. Formerly known as “Meinsberg Castle”, it was built in the early 15th century by the knight Arnold VI of...

Haus der Graphischen Sammlung
Freiburg im Breisgau

Die Graphischen Sammlungen des Augustinermuseums und des Museums für Neue Kunst haben seit September 2016 ein neues Zuhause: Drei Magazinräume bieten Platz für 90.000 Zeichnungen, Druckgrafiken und...

Le Village Hansi et son Musée

The Village of Uncle Hansi and his Museum is located in front of the famous "Maison des Têtes". Come in and discover the city of Colmar in the lifetime of the famous artist Jean-Jacques Waltz, so...

Musée de l'Image

The Musée de l'Image, a unique collection that grants an authentic view of our society. The museum has collected more than 110,000 historical Épinal prints from France and abroad, yet since its...

Musée Tomi Ungerer - Centre International de l'Illustration

Created in 2007, the Tomi Ungerer Museum-International Centre for Illustration is the first museum in France devoted exclusively to 20th-century and contemporary illustrative drawing, following in the...