Basel composed: The Basel String Quartet 99 years ago and today

Basler Streichquartett
This event is available in
Wednesday, November 5, 2025, 7:30 p.m.
Large refectory

Concert with the Basel String Quartet: Susanne Mathé and Hyunjong Reents-Kang (violin), Teodor Dimitrov (viola), Christopher Jepson (cello)

The original Basel String Quartet, founded 99 years ago, also regularly played works by contemporaries from Basel. For example, the 3rd string quartet "Amselrufe" by Hermann Suter was performed at the Gesellschaft für Kammermusik when he died in 1926. Hans Münch's String Quartet in C minor, op. 6 was also performed in 1926. Today's Basel String Quartet contrasts this with a contemporary work, the "Moments musicaux" (2023) by Mischa Käser. The work was written for the Basel String Quartet and bears the subtitle: "In the silent darkness, my thoughts grow bright children's legs."

Hermann Suter (1870-1926), 3rd String Quartet op. 20, G major "Amselrufe"; Mischa Käser (*1959), "Moments musicaux" (2023); Hans Münch (1893-1983), op. 6, C minor

Price: CHF 30.- /25.-, box office

The concert is made possible by foundation contributions.
Unterer Rheinweg 26
+41 61 267 66 25
Paid entry
Rate for holders of the Museums-PASS-Musées only.
On 05 November 2025
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