Liveable city - 28x urban development in Denmark

Banegaarden, ökologisches Dorf und grüne Oase «hinter den sieben Gleisen» des Hauptbahnhofs Kopenhagen. Foto Bjarke Ørsted
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A city dialog with Basel
In the large refectory and in the monastery kitchen, the Museum Kleines Klingental is presenting an exhibition by the Royal Danish Embassy in Berlin, which was conceived together with the Danish Urban Planning Laboratory (headed by Tina Saaby, the former town planner of Copenhagen). It presents realized examples from Danish cities that show how a city can be developed in a liveable way in today's world. More greenery, biodiversity, ecological building and living, attractive design of architecture, streets and squares, life by the water, participation. In Basel, these examples meet the 'Position 2024', which was developed at the 'Dialog Days 2023' by the 'Basel 2050' urban development forum. This will enable a dialogue on further development, recognition and new impulses for the objectives for Basel's future.
Im Rahmen der Ausstellung hat das MKK gemeinsam mit Städtebau & Architektur sowie der Architektin und Kuratorin Chrissie Muhr eine attraktive Veranstaltungsreihe konzipiert: «Ein Städtedialog mit Basel» führt aktiv Expertinnen und Experten aus Dänemark und Basel in einem vielfältigen Programm aus Vorträgen, Touren oder Workshops zusammen. Die Veranstaltungsreihe wird jeweils an den Mittwochnachmittagen und -abenden Gelegenheit geben, sich mit Positionen aus Dänemark und der Schweiz, konkret in und aus Basel, zur Gestaltung und Praxis einer «lebenswerten Stadt» auszutauschen und voneinander zu lernen. Eingeladen sind u. a. Tina Saaby, Beat Aeberhard, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Oliver Martin und aufstrebende Praktizierende aus Architektur, Lehre, Forschung oder Politik. Ergänzend zu diesem Programm wird im Rahmen von «Blüthner auf Reisen» am 3. September ein Konzert «Dänemark» und an einem Wochenende ein Fest mit dänischem Lebensgefühl mit «Det Danske Club Basel» stattfinden.

Detailliertes Begleitprogramm: Ab Juni auf und im separaten Veranstaltungsflyer (erhältlich im MKK).
Unterer Rheinweg 26
+41 61 267 66 25
Opening hours
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Events in this museum
Foto Peter Schulthess

Sunday, March 30, 2025, 2 p.m. Meeting point: Museum entrance The guided tour looks at the 750-year-old history of the Kleiner Klingental and its significance for Kleinbasel. Supplemented with vivid ...

Staatsarchiv Basel-Stadt, Klosterarchiv Klingental, Q Zinsbuch, fol. 124r.

Saturday, April 12, 2025, 2:30 p.m. Museum Kleines Klingental, Small Refectory Klingental was not only a monastery, but also extremely active economically. It documented its economic activities in the ...

Foto Mark Niedermann

Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 2:30 p.m. Meeting point: Museum entrance Basel's attractions include the two equestrian statues in the Kleiner Klingental. The focus is less on the monumental horses than on ...

Foto Mark Niedermann

Concert series: The "Blüthner" on the road Students of the FHNW School of Music, Classical Music play works from their home country February 12: Denis Linnik (Belarus) March 19: Isadora Rezende ...


Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 7:30 p.m. Large refectory Concert with Cornelia Lenzin (piano), Aurea Marston (soprano) and Tobias Van der Pals (cello) Leopold van der Pals (1884-1966) was a composer of the ...

Kapitell mit Schattenfüssler (Skiapode), Basler Münster, Ende 12. Jh., Gipsabguss von 2024. Foto: Stiftung Basler Münsterbauhütte

Thursday, May 22, 2025, 6 p.m. Large refectory Ceremonial opening of the new special exhibition "Attention to detail - plaster casts of Basel Minster".

Madonnenlilie, aus: De simplici Medicina, Kräuterbuch-Handschrift, 14. Jh., Universitätsbibliothek Basel.

Wednesday, June 4, 2025, 2.30 p.m. Meeting point: Museum entrance The guided tour looks at the 750-year-old history of the Kleiner Klingental and its significance for Kleinbasel. Supplemented with ...

Foto Mark Niedermann

Concert series: The "Blüthner" on the road Students of the FHNW School of Music, Classical Music play works from their home country February 12: Denis Linnik (Belarus) March 19: Isadora Rezende ...

Foto Peter Schulthess

Wednesday, June 11, 2025, 6 p.m. Large refectory and monastery kitchen The wall painting fragments from Ernst Stückelberg's Künstlerhaus have been restaged by Staufenegger + Partner and integrated ...

Foto Gian Casper Bott

Saturday, June 21, 2025, 2 to 6 p.m. Museum Kleines Klingental, inner courtyard and large refectory Join Svenska Klubben Basel for a midsummer festival at Klingental with the decorating and erecting ...

Banegaarden, ökologisches Dorf und grüne Oase «hinter den sieben Gleisen» des Hauptbahnhofs Kopenhagen. Foto Bjarke Ørsted

Wednesday, August 13, 2025, 6 p.m. Museum Kleines Klingental, Large Refectory Ceremonial opening of the special exhibition "City worth living in".

Foto Mark Niedermann

Sunday, August 17, 2025, 2 p.m. Meeting point: Museum entrance In its thousand-year history, architectural stained glass has evolved from Christian iconography. The spiritual and aesthetic effect of ...

Foto Gian Casper Bott

Wednesday, September 3, 2025, 2:30 p.m. Meeting point: Blumenrain 34, Seidenhof In its thousand-year history, architectural stained glass has evolved from Christian iconography. The spiritual and ...

Foto Mark Niedermann

Concert series: The "Blüthner" on the road Students of the FHNW School of Music, Classical Music play works from their home country February 12: Denis Linnik (Belarus) March 19: Isadora Rezende ...

Basler Münster, Heinrich und Kunigunde

The Museum Kleines Klingental is presenting a special series of guided tours of its original sandstone sculptures from Basel Cathedral. On four dates to coincide with the feast days of the saints ...

Foto Dusan Kipic/Unsplash

Immerse yourself in the world of Romanesque and Gothic cathedral figures in the Museum Kleines Klingental and view these works of art in their historical context. Under professional guidance, the ...

Foto Gian Casper Bott

Wednesday, October 1, 2025, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Meeting point: Museum entrance The Museum Kleines Klingental exhibits red sandstone sculptures from Basel Cathedral dating from around 1200 to the 16th ...

Foto Mark Niedermann

Concert series: The "Blüthner" on the road Students of the FHNW School of Music, Classical Music play works from their home country February 12: Denis Linnik (Belarus) March 19: Isadora Rezende ...

Basler Münster, Heinrich und Kunigunde

The Museum Kleines Klingental is presenting a special series of guided tours of its original sandstone sculptures from Basel Cathedral. On four dates to coincide with the feast days of the saints ...

Foto Peter Schulthess

Wednesday, October 22, 2025, 2:30 p.m. Meeting point: Museum entrance The focus will be on Ernst Stückelberg's monumental painting, in which around 1875 antique still life and modern portrait ...

Foto Dusan Kipic/Unsplash

Immerse yourself in the world of Romanesque and Gothic cathedral figures in the Museum Kleines Klingental and view these works of art in their historical context. Under professional guidance, the ...

Basler Streichquartett

Wednesday, November 5, 2025, 7:30 p.m. Large refectory Concert with the Basel String Quartet: Susanne Mathé and Hyunjong Reents-Kang (violin), Teodor Dimitrov (viola), Christopher Jepson (cello) The ...

Foto Mark Niedermann

Concert series: The "Blüthner" on the road Students of the FHNW School of Music, Classical Music play works from their home country February 12: Denis Linnik (Belarus) March 19: Isadora Rezende ...

Basler Münster, Heinrich und Kunigunde

The Museum Kleines Klingental is presenting a special series of guided tours of its original sandstone sculptures from Basel Cathedral. On four dates to coincide with the feast days of the saints ...

Absolut Trio

Wednesday, November 12, 2025, 7:30 p.m. Large refectory Concert with the Absolut Trio: Bettina Boller (violin), Judith Gerster (cello) and Stefka Perifanova (piano) Rudolf Kelterborn created wild ...

Foto Frank Löbbecke

Wednesday, November 12, 2025, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Meeting point: Museum entrance From 1274, Klingental Abbey developed into the largest and richest monastery in Basel. The imposing roof structure and ...

Foto Mark Niedermann

Sunday, November 16, 2025, 2 p.m. Meeting point: Museum entrance In its thousand-year history, architectural stained glass has evolved from Christian iconography. The spiritual and aesthetic effect of ...

© Corridors of Peace, Dornach

Sunday, November 16, 2025, 11 a.m. Museum Kleines Klingental, Great Refectory The Museum Kleines Klingental organizes an annual charity concert in collaboration with the musicians Susanne Mathé and ...

Foto Dusan Kipic/Unsplash

Immerse yourself in the world of Romanesque and Gothic cathedral figures in the Museum Kleines Klingental and view these works of art in their historical context. Under professional guidance, the ...


November 21 to 23, 2025 Museum Kleines Klingental The chamber music days monuments musicaux present a weekend with several concerts that deal with the current special exhibition at the Museum Kleines ...

Andrea Wiesli

Wednesday, December 3, 2025, 7:30 p.m. Large refectory Concert with Andrea Wiesli (piano), Daniel Schneller (moderation and introduction) and Anne-Catherine Krüger (on Sophie Schäppi and Hans Huber's ...

Foto Mark Niedermann

Concert series: The "Blüthner" on the road Students of the FHNW School of Music, Classical Music play works from their home country February 12: Denis Linnik (Belarus) March 19: Isadora Rezende ...

Basler Münster, Heinrich und Kunigunde

The Museum Kleines Klingental is presenting a special series of guided tours of its original sandstone sculptures from Basel Cathedral. On four dates to coincide with the feast days of the saints ...