Basel composed: The composer Leopold Van der Pals - Portrait of a forgotten composer

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Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 7:30 p.m.
Large refectory

Concert with Cornelia Lenzin (piano), Aurea Marston (soprano) and Tobias Van der Pals (cello)

Leopold van der Pals (1884-1966) was a composer of the late romantic and early modern periods. Before the First World War, he worked with Rudolf Steiner at the Goetheanum. He composed songs, chamber music and symphonic works, including incidental music for eurythmy performances. Tobias Van der Pals discovered his great-grand-uncle's music during his student days as a cellist in Denmark and has been systematically working on the revival and publication of Van der Pals' works ever since. In this program, he himself will participate and interpret works by his ancestor on the cello.

Works for cello and piano; Asali Songs op. 18, no. 3 (The Angel Asali) and "Three Nocturnal Songs" op. 57 for soprano, cello and piano; Two Songs op. 8 after poems by Ada Negri; Selections from Songs op. 1, op. 25, op. 31 and op. 62

Price: CHF 30.- /25.-, box office

The concert is made possible by foundation contributions.
Unterer Rheinweg 26
+41 61 267 66 25
Paid entry
Rate for holders of the Museums-PASS-Musées only.
On 21 May 2025
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