Basel composes: "Klingen-Tal" - new sounds in memory of old times

Absolut Trio
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Rudolf Kelterborn, Roland Moser, Philippe Racine, Junghae Lee
Wednesday, November 12, 2025, 7:30 p.m.
Large refectory

Concert with the Absolut Trio: Bettina Boller (violin), Judith Gerster (cello) and Stefka Perifanova (piano)

Rudolf Kelterborn created wild, dreamy, edgy and delicate gems with "15 moments musicaux", which was written in 2006 as the first commissioned composition for the Absolut Trio. Roland Moser's "Abärde" from 2013, based on texts from Adolf Wölfli's "Geographisches Heft No. 11", transforms dreamlike language into sensitive music. Philippe Racine wrote cadenzas tailored to the musicians of the trio in "Opus 2016" (dedicated to the Absolut Trio). Junghae Lee is composing for the trio for the third time: "In the new piece, I want to bring together the time of the Klingental's origins (1274) and our present day through music and performative elements."

Rudolf Kelterborn (1931-2021), "15 moments musicaux"; Roland Moser (*1943), "ABÄRDA" based on texts by Adolf Wölfli; Philippe Racine (*1958), "Opus 2016"; Junghae Lee (*1964), "UA" new work

Price: CHF 30.- /25.-, box office

The concert is made possible by foundation contributions.
Unterer Rheinweg 26
+41 61 267 66 25
Paid entry
Rate for holders of the Museums-PASS-Musées only.
On 12 November 2025
Additional informations
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