The "Blüthner" on the road: Bónis Kozák-Sólyom plays music from Hungary

Foto Mark Niedermann
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Concert series:
The "Blüthner" on the road
Students of the FHNW School of Music, Classical Music play works from their home country

February 12: Denis Linnik (Belarus)
March 19: Isadora Rezende (Brazil)
May 7: Théotime Gillot (France)
June 4: Javier de Diego (Spain)

September 3: Florian Grand (Denmark)
October 1: Valerio Tesoro (Italy)
November 5: Bónis Kozák-Sólyom (Hungary)
December 3: Kaika Niskakangas (Finland)

The Museum Kleines Klingental owns a historic Blüthner grand piano dating from around 1875, which is characterized by its outstanding warm sonority. With this instrument, we will embark on a long journey across seas and continents: students of the FHNW School of Music, Classical Music will present composers from their countries of origin and thus provide an insight into hidden musical treasures. They will also include works by their favorite composers in the program.

A cooperation with the FHNW Academy of Music / Basel Music Academy
Unterer Rheinweg 26
+41 61 267 66 25
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
On 05 November 2025
Wednesday: 13:00-14:00
Additional informations
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