"For freedom! Rastatt and the 1848/49 Revolution"

Blick in den Ausstellungsraum mit Vitrinen und Grafiken an den Wänden
This event is available in
Curator's tour through the exhibition
Sun, 01.12.2024, 3 p.m.

Curator Johanna Kätzel will guide you through the special exhibition "For Freedom! Rastatt and the 1848/49 Revolution" at the Stadtmuseum.
175 years ago, Rastatt was one of the main sites of the Baden Revolution. In May 1849, soldiers joined forces with rebellious citizens to fight for a liberal constitution. The siege of the federal fortress by Prussian troops in Rastatt in July 1849 led to a dramatic "showdown" and the suppression of the revolution. In addition to numerous historical objects and original documents relating to Baden's fight for freedom, the exhibition also presents contemporary positions that raise awareness of the fact that democracy, freedom and fundamental rights are still not a matter of course.
Duration: approx. 60 minutes. Participation in the guided tour included in museum admission, no registration required.
Herrenstraße 11
+49 7222 972 84 00
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
On 01 December 2024
Sunday: 15:00-16:00
Exhibitions in this museum

The town museum presents the everyday life and socio-economic aspects of the people from the region. Everyday life in the western part of the district of Rastatt in particular was strongly influenced ...


Under the guiding question "Where does injustice begin?", the history laboratory of the Lernort Kislau e. V. invites visitors to explore not only the role and function of the Kislau concentration camp ...


You will find more details on our homepage at a later date.