Special exhibition "Streams of life on the Rhine and Murg"

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The town museum presents the everyday life and socio-economic aspects of the people from the region. Everyday life in the western part of the district of Rastatt in particular was strongly influenced by the immediate proximity to the rivers Rhine and Murg. The changing lifestyles that developed in the surrounding villages as a result of the Rhine and Murg rivers are presented from the time of Roman settlement to the Sandoz disaster in 1986.
Finally, various interactive stations convey the unique nature and floodplain landscapes of the present day. The threats to the preservation of species diversity and biodiversity around the Rhine and Murg are far from over, and we are facing new challenges as a result of climate change.
The program is complemented by an exciting accompanying program. You will find further information on our homepage in good time.
Herrenstraße 11
+49 7222 972 84 00
Opening hours
Events in this museum
fast kreisrundes Fundstück in Rottönen

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Die Referentin Frau Dr. Bleyer mit einem Buch über 1848

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Blick in den Ausstellungsraum mit Vitrinen und Grafiken an den Wänden

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175 years ago, Rastatt was one of the main sites of the Baden Revolution. In May 1849, soldiers joined forces with rebellious citizens to fight for a liberal constitution. The siege of the federal ...