KLIMA Forum: Wilderness - A livable and climate-friendly landscape?

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What do large herbivores such as horses, water buffalo and cows have to do with biodiversity and climate protection? What are the most important factors in preserving biodiversity? Award-winning author and nature filmmaker Jan Haft answers these and many other questions.

A forest full of old and dead trees - this is how we imagine wilderness. A landscape without traces of civilization, because man and pristine nature are mutually exclusive. But is this image true?

Wilderness always means a tug-of-war between natural forces. Where we humans disturb this balance, natural processes can no longer take place. What remains is impoverished nature, not wilderness, even if we leave nature to its own devices. Today, only a fraction of native animals, plants and fungi live in forests that are no longer managed. Why is that?

In his new book, biologist and nature filmmaker Jan Haft questions our understanding of wilderness and outlines a new concept of wilderness in his short lecture. His message is that a livable and climate-friendly landscape full of biodiversity is easy and inexpensive to achieve if we only want it.

The author, director, cameraman and producer Jan Haft was nominated for the Science Book of the Year 2023 ("Bild der Wissenschaft") with his non-fiction book "Wildnis - Unser Traum von unberührter Natur". Together with his wife, he has produced four feature films and over 75 TV documentaries and short films to date. He founded his own film production company in 2000.

We are delighted to welcome Jan and Melanie Haft to the KLIMA ARENA. The event is free of charge and will take place on the 1st floor of the KLIMA ARENA.
Dietmar-Hopp-Str. 6
+49 7261 144 1110
Free entry with the Museums-PASS-Musées
On 28 November 2024
Thursday: 19:00-21:00
Exhibitions in this museum
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